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14 Duncan Street

This is a picturesque weatherboard Federation villa. It retains many of its original features including bay windows, front corner verandah with twin posts and fretwork, half-timbered gable ends and terracotta tile roof. The site is contributory in the Central Business Area Heritage Precinct HO166.

The works subject to the funding application involved proposed reinstatement of the front corner verandah timber balustrade and the front capped timber picket fence. The reinstatement works are based on evidence retained on the building of the verandah balustrade as well as a similar dwelling located in the same area of Ballarat that retains its original verandah balustrade and capped timber picket fence. In August 2016, the VHRF Committee of Management agreed to offer a grant of $4,000 towards reinstatement of the balustrade and the capped timber picket front fence.

The works return the residence to an earlier, original appearance and enhance the contribution the property makes to the streetscape.