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Frequently Asked Questions

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Please review the Frequently Asked Questions below for answers to common enquiries. The answers commonly refer to all six funds including the Melbourne Heritage Restoration Fund, Yarra Heritage Restoration Fund, Ballarat Heritage Restoration Fund, Casey Heritage Restoration Fund, Greater Bendigo Restoration Fund, and Merri-bek Restoration Fund. Refer to the Eligibility page of this website for VHRF eligibility criteria.

What constitutes conservation works?

Conservation works involve works that contribute to the repair and longevity of the recognised significance of a place or object. This is primarily the protection and preservation of heritage elements of a building such as windows, doors, lace work, tiles and other unique features of a property. Conservation works are usually undertaken or overseen by experts with experience in a particular heritage feature or type of material who are best skilled to maintain and enhance these elements through the building's lifetime.    

What constitutes restoration or reconstruction works?

Restoration or reconstruction can take many forms but always aims to return a building to a known early state. This could mean repair of an early cast iron fence, replacement of a modern tiled roof with original slates, reinstatement of a missing verandah, removal of a modern carport addition or a wide variety of other interventions. However, it must be clear that the works go some way towards restoring the original appearance of the building. That appearance can be established through early documentation of the property in the form of building plans, photographs and drawings or through evidence available through an examination of the building. The Fund cannot assist with speculative reconstruction works in which the early appearance of the building is not known.

Is painting eligible for funding?

The painting of a property is considered regular maintenance and is therefore not eligible for VHRF funding. Paint removal using a non-corrosive method is eligible where inappropriate painting has occurred previously (eg painted over original brickwork).

I want to do works on my windows, is that eligible?

When looking to make changes to your heritage windows, there is a difference between repair and replacement. Repair is keeping your current windows intact and trying to retain as much original fabric of the window as possible. Replacing windows is only eligible if like-for-like replacement is recommended (eg the same material, style, structure, etc). Replacement is only eligible if the windows are of an original style. Please note that double glazing is possible for heritage windows without requiring full replacement or removal.

Where do I source tradespeople?

It is important to note that restoration work can be more complex than general building work and your preferred tradespeople will need to demonstrate previous experience in work of this kind. Restoration and reconstruction works must reproduce early construction methods and materials and modern replacement materials such as polystyrene moldings, acrylic renders or colorbond finishes are unlikely to receive support. Refer to the Heritage Services Directory for a list of recommended contractors.

My works have already commenced, Can I make an application?

No, the Fund cannot assist with works that have already commenced or if a contractor has already been engaged for the work.

Do I need a planning permit?

Yes, in order for an application for funding to be processed, you must provide a copy of your approved planning permit and endorsed drawings, or written confirmation from the City Council in which the property is located, stating that no permits are required for the works you propose in this application. If your place is included on the VHR you will need a permit or permit exemption from Heritage Victoria rather than Council. N.B. You can apply for financial assistance without a Planning Permit or Planning Exemption but no works can commence until the document has been supplied. We recommend that you have at least begun the Planning Permit or Planning Exemption process before applying for VHRF funding.

Making an application, where do I start?

You can start your application at any time on this website, on the Apply tab. Check to the Online Application Check List to understand what information and documents you will need before you make an online application. Some of the key things you will need include:
  • TWO quotes for the proposed works
  • A copy of your property title
  • A copy of your Planning Permits/Planning Exemption or evidence that you have begun this process
  • Photos of your property from the street
  • Any historical information or plans you are using as evidence for the proposed works
The good news is that you can save a draft of your application and come back later if you need more information.

When will my application be assessed?

Applications will be accepted at any time however applications are assessed in batches 3-4 times per year. Please review these key dates when making your application to know when to get your application in before the next cut off date. Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application in the weeks following the meeting. 

What are the assessment criteria for my application?

Please refer to the Assessment Criteria page of this website for details on how applications are assessed. Each council's fund is unique but broadly, the criteria are based around:
  • Significance of the place
  • The necessity of the works
  • The necessity of funding assistance
  • The community benefit

What is the value of the grant that I may receive?

Funding levels are assessed on a case by case basis and are generally up to a maximum of 50% of the cost of works, but as a general rule are rarely over $10,000 even if a project is over $20,000. The level of funding is at the discretion of the VHRF Conservation Architect and the VHRF Committee which includes representatives from each council contributing to the VHRF.

How will I know if my application has been successful?

All applications for financial assistance are reviewed by the VHRF Committee of Management at meetings held four times year. Once the application has been approved, the VHRF Administrator will send out the relevant VHRF Agreements directly to the applicant.

What is expected of me if I receive a grant?

All applications that receive funding assistance from VHRF require that a temporary sign be erected for the duration of the works funded. The applicants are also required to make the building available for photography, which may be used in any VHRF and State Government documentation.

How do I collect the funding offered?

Grants will not be issued in full until the entire scope of funded works have been completed and the Fund’s Conservation Architect has undertaken all necessary inspections and approvals. Payment will be via an electronic bank transfer. Payment can only be made if the EFT details have been provided on the signed agreement.

Do I have to repay the money?

Grant money is not repaid unless the property is sold within twelve months of receipt of the grant. In this instance, grant money must be repaid to the Fund in full.

What kind of agreement will I have to sign?

A standard agreement between VHRF and the applicant is drawn up outlining the responsibilities of each party. No impositions are made on the title of the property. It is important to note that the offer of assistance will be based upon the precise scope of works submitted with the application. Variations in the extent or nature of the works or in the specific trades people undertaking the works may result in the offer being reduced or withdrawn. Any variation in the works should be brought to the attention of the VHRF Administrator prior to the commencement of works