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115 Spensley Street

The residence at 115 Spensley Street is a Victorian two storey brick corner shop and residence. It has bi-chrome brickwork with red brick walls and cream brick quoins to the doors and windows. The corner section of the ground floor has shopfront windows and a corner double door entry. The upper windows have been replaced with aluminium windows but the openings remain the same size. The property is contributory in HO316 Clifton Hill Heritage Overlay Precinct.

Sometime in the late twentieth century, the sash windows on the first floor of the building were replaced with aluminium windows. The funding application was to replace the five aluminium windows on the upper level, with timber framed double hung sash windows, as would have been originally and to match the two double hung timber sash windows that are extant on the first floor. The original openings and bluestone sills had been retained to these altered windows therefore the new windows could fit within the original openings without any substantial brick works.

In August 2023 the VHRF Committee of Management agreed to offer a grant of $10,000 towards the aluminium window replacement with timber sash windows.

The replacement of these aluminium windows with timber sash windows has returned the building to an earlier appearance and greatly improves the appearance of the historic building in the streetscape, especially given it is built up to the footpath and very prominent in the streetscape.